dudeoir photoshoot

6 reasons why men should do a dudeoir shoot

Raise your hand if the idea of trying a dudeoir shoot is appealing but you are not sure why you would do a shoot 🙋‍♂️. Well keep reading because this blog is definitively for you!

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Wait, boudoir photography is only for women no?

First of all let's demystify boudoir photography and the fact a lot of people believe it is only for women. To make it simple a boudoir shoot is an indoors or outdoors photography session, in which you show more skin than in a regular photoshoot. It can be done in lingerie, or any outfit truly, as long as you show some skin. But wearing only a piece a fabric, or nothing at all is also an option.

You do not need to have any modelling experience, neither be of a certain age, body shape, or gender, in order to try boudoir photography. The only thing you need is your handsome-self (and talented photographers - AKA us 😉).

Is dudeoir photography different than boudoir?

Nope. The term dudeoir was invented so men can relate more to this type of photography by being less afraid to end up with pictures of themselves that could potential be too feminine for their taste. But the goal stays the same:

Feeling empowered and sexy!

It is not because this industry showcases mostly women that you cannot do a boudoir shoot as a man. Either you want very masculine and moody pictures of yourself to highlight your virility, or want a shoot that is more airy to show your softer side, your session should be done the way you want, for whatever reasons you have.

Speaking of reasons…

Since boudoir photography isn’t common for men, most of them held back from doing a shoot because they don't know why they would even give it a try.

But here are a few reasons:

  • Accept and appreciate your body the way it is

Media put so much pressure on people with all the “beauty standards” that having a clouded vision of our body doesn't only happen to women, it is universal! Most of us wish parts of our body could be different:

“I wish I could be more muscular, thinner, taller, have more boobs, a bigger weenie,…”

The truth is that we should be able to love the way we look naturally instead of wanted to be different. When you learn to accept your body the way it is, you stop comparing yourself to others and start building a stronger confidence.

  • Boost your confidence

Speaking of confidence :)… A boudoir shoot is a challenge by itself. It can make you feel vulnerable and pushes you out of your comfort zone. But this is good as it helps you grow and develop that confidence we all need.

Can you guess why it is important to be confident?

It gives you the strength to go through life challenges and make the world your oyster… Not bad right!

We like to say that once you strip down in front of two strangers, nothing else in life can stop you ;)

  • Celebrate yourself

This is probably the first reason that pushes most of our clients to do or redo a boudoir shoot.

We all need to celebrate our awesome-selves. Every little or big victories, body transformations (new hairstyle, tattoos,…), and even birthdays. Basically anything that makes us happy in our everyday life.

Be your own cheerleader and treat yourself with unique experiences!

  • Push the boundaries regarding your masculinity and femininity

Yes you read that right! Every single human being has both a feminine and masculine side. Not a lot of men dare to tap into their femininity but your feminine side is a huge asset in your life. It keeps you grounded and helps you simply enjoy what is around you. You become more aware of what all of your senses are picking up, which helps you develop new perspectives and your creativity.

  • Bring down the pressure around men.

The pressure around men is quite insane: “Don’t cry! Be strong! Suck it up! Don't be girly!…” If you guys dare to show a bit of sensitivity, you are right away put in the “weak” category.

You have the right to be whatever and whoever you want. But in order to change mentalities, like women, you have to stand up and fight! You have to be willing to tap and show your sensitivity, to make it normal.

By allowing yourself to be more vulnerable and not being afraid to show emotions (rather than always trying to be strong all the time), you will slowly but surely remove some clichés attributed to men.

You won't be only be doing yourself a favour, you will do one for your fellas too.

  • A gift for your partner

Even if a boudoir shoot should always be done for yourself first, using it as a gift for your partner is always a cool extra bonus, and a great way to spice your relationship up. I mean who wouldn't be amazingly surprised to see sexy pictures of their lover, fiancé, or spouse?!

man in boudoir setting laying down on a carpet, wearing only a pair of jeans

Now that you read all the reasons for doing a dudeoir shoot, what are you waiting for to book your shoot 😉 You can find here the details about our sessions for men!

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