Posing: a powerful tool to build self-confidence

Hello lovely reader! Today we want to talk to you about posing (during a photoshoot but also in your everyday life). As boudoir photographers we had to write a blog on that topic! We know a lot of peeps feel awkward in front of a camera so the idea of posing can be nerve-wracking. But keep reading because today’s blog is gonna help you feel more confident and this is something we all need from time to time 😎


Shoulders down, boobs up!

Self-confidence is a vital aspect of our overall well-being. It not only influences our choices, actions, and interactions with others, but also shapes how we perceive ourselves. When you look online to get some advice on how to become more confident, you can find a lot of ideas that contribute toward that goal. But there is one element that is often overlooked: the way we pose our bodies.

The way we position our bodies and present ourselves physically significantly impacts how we feel about ourselves. In fact, studies have shown that adopting certain poses can have a direct influence on our level of confidence.


If you consistently adopt closed-off poses, with crossed arms or slouched posture, you communicate to your brain that you are shrinking and feeling vulnerable. These poses can reinforce negative self-perceptions and inhibit your confidence. When you physically appear small, your minds mirror this with feelings of insignificance and insecurity.

On the other hand, when you strike a pose that exudes power and openness, your brain responds by releasing hormones associated with confidence and dominance. This phenomenon is known as the famous "power posing." By expanding your body and taking up space, you send signals to your brain that you are in a position of strength, empowerment, and self-assurance. Which leads to more success and better outcomes in various aspects of your life. We don’t know for you but we take that over the previous point 💪.

Son next time you go outside, think about that! Put on one of your favourite outfits and walk in the street like you own it. You’ll see how powerful it makes you feel!

Boudoir photography is your best ally

Posing also plays a significant role in your body image. Many people struggle with accepting and embracing themselves the way they are, so by intentionally posing in ways that highlight your beautifully natural body, you can boost your self-love. This is when boudoir photography comes in!

When you do a boudoir shoot you are not only getting pretty pictures of yourself. You are doing an experience with long lasting results that helps you reclaim your self-worth and celebrate everything that makes you YOU (yes, your body included!). During the shoot, your photographer will help you pose accordingly to your body type and the vibe you want to create so you can see yourself the way you never did before!

Of course receiving your photographs is the icing on the cake and act as a great reminder on how gorgeous and badass you look! Plus it shows how courageous you were to try a not-so-easy experience (not everyone can “strip down” in front of a stranger and have their pictures taken) 💛

Since confidence comes from within and is developed through a combination of self-acceptance, self-care, and personal growth, improving your posture alone will not magically make you the most confident person in the world. But being aware of how you hold yourself is a valuable tool to include in your self-confidence journey!

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