Your Boudoir Shoot Should Be Fun

When most of our future Scandals contact us for the first time, they are usually very nervous with the idea of doing a boudoir shoot. Since they are usually first timers, it is very normal to be anxious about something you never done before, especially when it is a vulnerable experience such as boudoir photography.

Today we are gonna talk about how we make our boudoir shoots fun, chill, and very empowering!

Take A deep breath!

Naked man happily jumping off a sofa

If you reading this blog in order to search and prep for a potential boudoir shoot and feel nervous about it, take a moment right now to stop and take a deep breath in and out. Alright, now keep reading!

As we said, if you are feeling nervous it is totally normal (you are absolutely not the only one to feel that way about boudoir). But it is important to see it as a cool experience you never did before, something that happens a few times in a lifetime. It is also a shoot you are doing for yourself first (well maybe you want to show or offer the photograph to your loved ones, but this is an extra bonus), a well deserved me-time. So you might as well want to have some fun!

On top of that, if you feel too anxious the day of the shoot, you will have a hard time to relax and it will shows on the pictures.

Relax? Easier Said Than Done!

Very true, it might not be easy to relax but lucky for you we have some tips that will help you to do so (seems like Juliette and I have been boudoir photographers for a while 🤔😉) :

  • Avoid planning last minute

Even if we can accommodate last minute shoots, it is not something we recommend. Doing things last minute is never a good idea as it creates unnecessary pressure due to rushing. We suggest you book your shoot a month before the date you want it to happen so you have time to find the perfect studio, gather everything you need and nicely prep for your shoot.

  • Find the perfect boudoir studio

Each boudoir photographers have their own style and way of working. When you look for the perfect match, don’t stop just at the aesthetic of their work. It is very important you book a meeting (either on the phone, Zoom, or in-person) to talk about the details and see if their way of working is aligned with what you are looking for.

For example: will they make you sign a contract? How do they handle privacy and do they have release options? Is makeup and hair included? Are their pricing transparent and clear? Are they male or female photographers? Are they inclusive enough or do they work with the same type of people?… Do not hesitate to ask questions or share any concerns you might have!

If you book a photographer that doesn’t make you feel comfortable, whatever the reasons are, it will tarnish your shoot and the all experience.

  • Enjoy the getting ready part

Beautiful non-binary person topless wearing black pants and black harness. She has green hair and colourful makeup

This is one of the best part of boudoir photography: looking for ideas, thinking of the vibes you want to create, and putting outfits together (you can also create a Pinterest board or mood board, this can be very helpful). Taking the time to prep for your shoot builds the excitement and makes the stress disappear a little.

  • Your shoot should look like you

When doing a shoot, you should not feel like you are wearing a disguise. From the outfits to the atmosphere of each set, you have to feel 100% like your most badass, sensual, and sexy self (or whatever other words you want to use).

Make sure to bring outfits you love and you feel good in, which doesn’t have to be the classic set of lingerie if it is not your thing. To give you ideas of what we saw with our past clients, here are some cool stuff people went for:

- Home made leather armours and cape;

- katanas and knives;

- glittery shorts and faux-fur coats;

- suit and deck of cards (for a magician vibe)

And so much more. See how creative you can be! You can also do your shoot mostly nude or covered with jewelry (we are still waiting for this one to happen!).

  • Have fun!!!!!!!

And finally when you checked all of the above, just enjoy your shoot 😘 Practice some poses in front of your mirror, create a playlist to bring with you the day of your shoot, be playful while posing, let your inner badass-self out, imagine you are in a fashion show,…

Don’t let the camera frighten you, this is just an accessory that will capture the moment you finally shine and let yourself be your beautiful you!

beautiful plus-size woman wearing only a pink faux-fur coat with pink hair in an indoor jungle

Boudoir photography will really help you reconnect with your body and sensuality. And it is something we all have (or had) a hard time with due to the old school fashion industry’s beauty standards and the judgment coming from others. We know some of you might be thinking: “Well I am not beautiful and really not sensual!”. Those thoughts are very common, but let us tell you something: they are also false.

You are beautiful! You are sensual! It does not matter what you identify to, your age, or the body you have, we all are gorgeous, sexy, and sensual beings.

We hope this blog will reassure you with the idea of doing a boudoir shoot! If you want to make sure to not miss out on any of our content, sign up to our *newsletter below ⬇️

*We mostly send 1 newsletter per week (unless we have deals or events happening).

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