body positive photoshoot

How to calm your nerves before doing a boudoir shoot

Do you feel like a boudoir session could be exactly what you need to do for yourself but a fear is standing in the way? That's totally normal and even… expected. Before you talk yourself out of a wonderful experience, let's go over the main blocks you may encounter when you think about a boudoir photoshoot.


Ditch the fear of being ridiculous

This one is probably the most dominant one. Isn't boudoir reserved only for perfect-looking people, based on all of the photos we see around?

Absolutely not. If anything, it is quite the opposite. The boudoir field has changed drastically in the past decade. It has become a wonderful artistic and therapeutic tool to reconnect with yourself and your body, instead of exclusively showcasing lingerie models. All bodies are now be in their deserving spotlight, no matter the type, shape and age!

We can't even give you a more dominant audience in our field, as we work with people between their early thirties and early 60s, all with different backgrounds and stories.

Now, you may be wondering: “okay, that's great, but you still need to be a minimum photogenic and know what to do with yourself”

Here is the secret: everyone is photogenic but not everyone has received the right guidance to be so. And guess what? It's not your job to figure this out on your own.

A professional photographer should be able to guide you to pose so you don't have to think about and can just learn useful tips. They will know the right angles, to flattering poses and everything you need to get photos that look like you but make you feel like a million bucks!

Take the time to prep to ease your nerves

We underestimate how fun prepping for the session is, but also how helpful it is to feel more confident stepping into your session.

Gathering clothing options you feel your best in, trying new pieces, thinking of fun props, looking for inspiration for hair, makeup, poses, vibes… All of these are key to feel more at peace before you even step in front of the camera.


Ask all the questions you need

Boudoir photography is not your area of expertise, so of course you can ask every question in the book! There are no silly questions, so if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, whether it is about the actual booking process or advice on an outfit, just reach out and ask. Any professional is happy to offer guidance on what they do best!

Kick-in-the-butt punchline: You will never regret doing your photoshoot, but you will definitely regret NOT doing it.

One of the main feedback we receive from our clients after their session is: “I wish I had done this sooner".

Like anything you wish to do for your well-being, you will definitely feel the weight of regret if you initiate the first step (aka gathering the courage to inquire for a session and tell your story) but don't follow through. Don't let this haunt you!

There you have it, your go-to guide for calming those pre-boudoir shoot nerves. Remember, it's all about having fun and celebrating you. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections, shift your mindset to appreciate and love your body as it is. Trust that your photographer is there to capture your beauty in its purest form and that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

Get ready to embark on a beautiful and powerful journey, it would be a shame to miss out on it!

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When celibacy makes you lose touch with your sensuality

Here we go, another blog not super easy to write about but definitely needed, as sometimes it feels great to put words on paper! Today, it is my turn (Fanny) to write about some inner battles that have been happening for quite a while.

I have been sick for a week now, nothing serious, but it is making me feel sad, vulnerable, and weak. And you know how it goes, when we feel low, we have the tendency to think about the past. So lately I keep thinking of the decision I took 2 years and half ago to celibate, but most importantly the consequences of that decision.


His words were the last straw!

In October 2021, I was dating this guy, and one night while we were being intimate, he said to me:

“You are so thin, I could break you!”

Yeah, who says this kind of things, especially while being intimate with someone, right? You will be surprised on how many times men have said shitty things to me. I was shocked and preferred to ignore his comment, but this sentence stuck to my mind (two years later, I am still thinking about it). It was hard for me to hear this as when I was younger I was bullied in middle school for being a small body person. And even though I became more resilient with time against this type of comments, sometimes it still hurts. Especially when I am in a vulnerable moment. But I guess it was the extra push I needed in order to change a few things about my relationships.

Even if I have been lucky to never be in an abusive relationship, my relationship with men has always been complicated: I have been cheated on (classic!), ghosted, lied to so many times, told awful comments... I was also in a 4 years relationship where my partner was secretly keeping track of our sexuality on an Excel spreadsheet. So romantic, isn’t it?

I never seemed to attract the right type of man, but I believe that I was unconsciously attracting what I was looking for. I have always been afraid of commitment, and never really trusted my partners. So self-sabotaging by being with the wrong people was easy!

The change I needed, and it felt great…

After that comment, my body and sexuality shut done instinctively, and I was over men and dating. My libido left the country! Celibating became surprisingly very natural, and I honestly I didn’t plan it to last that long.

The first year felt amazing, and it created so many positive changes in my way of being! I have always been a sexual and sensual person. That sensuality felt like it was my whole personality, from the way I was dressing up to my way of interacting with people, and the energy I was putting out there. But when I took the decision to remove sex from my life, my sensuality disappeared too as it felt like I didn’t need it anymore:

  • I changed my wardrobe, prioritizing long and comfy over of short and tight.

  • I started to see men as potential friends instead of potential lovers, which changed the way I was interacting with them.

  • My body language changed too, became more chill than seductive.

I never realized the amount of energy it took to be my past seductive-self, so focusing on a different part of my personality made me feel lighter. Opening Scandaleuse Photgraphy with Juliette and being a boudoir photographer helped me a lot with body acceptance and increasing my confidence level. But going into celibacy felt like it was the next step I needed in my personal development journey.

… until it didn’t anymore!

Unfortunately, I took it too far without even noticing (with every transformation comes its opposite effect). Since in the past I was using my body to seduce, the fact I shut down my sensuality made me fall into body neutrality and I now feel completely disconnected from it. When I look at myself in the mirror, I can tell I am a pretty woman and I like what I see but in a neutral way. I am able to tell myself there is nothing wrong with my body, but I don’t feel that proudness of looking good anymore. When I think of my body, I feel out of it!

To a point where it is becoming hard to like pictures of myself as I don’t feel impressed. The last time Juliette and I took some boudoir photographs of ourselves for marketing purpose, I was really harsh with myself. And yesterday, when I was looking for a picture of me to illustrate this blog, I cried at my past photographs because I miss the feeling of looking at a photo and being able to tell myself: “Damn, I look hot!”.

On top of that, the idea of being intimate with someone again scares me. This body neutrality has decreased my self-love level and makes me feel less confident and less seductive. Instead of taking a break like I initially wanted, I unintentionally shut down my heart to love others, in a way also to myself, and created a fear I never had before.

I have thought in the past that being sensual was maybe an act, a mask I was putting on to make myself seem more interesting to others, but I was so wrong. Sensuality is part of me, it’s the fire that I need to keep LOVING. Without it, I don’t recognize myself, so it is time to find it back!

Boudoir photography to the rescue!

And the best tool for that is a boudoir shoot to help me reappropriate my body and let my sensuality shine again. Even if we take some photos of ourselves for the business, doing a shoot just for me is a different experience. Boudoir has this therapeutic power that really helps you regain confidence. During the shoot you get the opportunity to wear outfits that make you feel like your most badass-self, you pose in ways that are very flattering for your body, and you get the opportunity to express all your personalities.

Definitively a powerful and transformative experience!

Even if I do not recognize myself lately, I do not regret the decision to celibate because it happened so naturally. This has taught me a lot about myself, and it is the best way to grow!

I am so grateful Juliette and I can self-reflect by writing when we feel like it. We believe that there is no shame in sharing about your personal journeys, and it is a great way to spread awareness on issues others might be dealing with too.

We wanted to thank everyone from our community for being supportive and listening (in this case reading) to what we have to say 💛. Let us know in comments if you can relate to this or if it has happened to you in the past (or any thoughts you have when reading this story)!

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Did you talk yourself out of it?

This week we had a Zoom meeting with a new Scandal (if you are new here, “Scandal” is the name we give to our clients and people in our community 🤗) and she inspired us with today’s blog topic.

She reached out in January asking for some information about our boudoir shoots because she wanted to celebrate herself with an outdoor session. We loved her idea so much that we decided to followed up when she stopped corresponding with us. She was so happy we didn’t give up because it was the extra push she needed to do her shoot as she had talked herself out of doing it.

Sharing this information with us was very courageous, not everyone can do it, and it gave us the opportunity to write about this topic as it is a quite common situation.


What does it mean to talk ourselves out of something?

Talking ourselves out of something refers to the act of persuading oneself not to pursue a certain course of action, decision, or opportunity. This internal dialogue often involves rationalizing reasons why it may not be the right time, not be achievable, not be worth the effort nor the money.

It can come from different reasons such as fear of failure, self-doubts, external pressure, or simply a lack of confidence.

Sounds too familiar? Of course it does! We can all relate to that choice of listening to fear and giving up instead of going after something we want. It is a defence mechanism that we all did at some point in our life!

Is it a toxic trait?

Of course not! It is a way of protecting yourself from potential arm, either it is physical or mental.

But it is holding you back from experiencing Life! By engaging in these self-talks, living a too comfortable life, and not taking any risk, you are missing out on exploring new possibilities and adventures. Which makes personal growth very difficult to achieve, and you might end up having regrets about all the things you didn’t do.

Remember that no one can live your life but you!

Boudoir photography put people outside their comfort zone

We see it with some of our clients who want so badly to do a boudoir shoot to feel empowered, to regain confidence, or reclaim their image that has been destroyed in the past. But they feel so nervous, or afraid, about showing their uncovered body that they keep pushing the experience back, or they decide to not do it anymore. And that makes us sad for them because we know that a boudoir shoot would help them to get to that level of self-love they desire.

Don’t get us wrong, anyone has the right to change their mind about anything. But when we meet someone who has this craving of trying boudoir photography, it is part of our job to reassure them and motivate them to move away from that internal fear and just go for it.

You might think that we are being bias because we are boudoir photographers, but it is more than that. We are strong believers that boudoir photography is a therapeutic tool, that can help anyone with body and confidence issues. We have experienced it ourselves, and witnessed it through all the clients we had those past 7 years.

So if you want to give it a try, you have our support, do it! Even better, do a shoot with us 🥰.

How to shut down these annoying little voices?

Recognizing when you are talking yourself out of something is primordial to challenge these self-imposed limitations, embrace new possibilities, and finally do all the things that scare you.


The first step is learning to differentiate talking yourself out of something you really want to accomplish from changing your mind about something you don’t want to do anymore. You might be thinking: “aren’t those the same? You end up not doing it anyway!”. Sure they sound similar, but those two points are very different and create different results.

The first one is based on fear. You give up or keep pushing it back not because you don’t want to do it anymore but because you are afraid of something (maybe you think you will be judged by others, or that it will change your life in a way that you don’t feel ready for… there is always fear behind those little voices that tell you not to do something). As mentioned before, not going after what your soul craves will create regrets because it was meaningful to you.

It is something you feel deep in your bones and it usually keeps coming back even though you tell yourself otherwise.

The second one is only a change of mind. Yes, it would have been fun to do it, but since it is not something that you need in order to feel fulfill and grow, not doing isn’t going to change anything in your life.

They usually manifest as ideas or thoughts like: “maybe I could do this” or “it would be fun to try that!”. But they don’t last long, and you just forget about them.

Once you have recognized if it is something you want to keep pursuing, it is time to do a little bit more work on yourself.


The second step is to pay attention to this universal behaviour we all have: finding excuses! Either we do it to cancel plans, to not do the work we are supposed to do, to not show up somewhere, or to not go after something we wish for, having excuses is so common that we do it without even realizing we are.

And yes, some are very valid excuses, but most of the time we just don’t want to push ourselves too much because we are very comfortable in the moment.

There are many excuses out there, but we want to talk about the 3 most common ones (otherwise this blog will become a novel 😅). Also, we are using boudoir photography to make our points clearer, obviously they apply to anything in life:

  • Lack of skill & confidence: this has to be first on our list because it is something 90% of our clients feel nervous about when they want to book their boudoir shoot. It is either because they never posed in their life and feel like they will be ridiculous. Or they don’t like their body and think they will look ridiculous. But most of the time, it is a mix of both: they are afraid of being ridiculous because they believe they are not good enough to try boudoir photography.

    The truth: yes, you are photogenic! Yes, you are beautiful! And yes, you deserve photographs of yourself to show you how badass you are.

  • Money: Raise your hand if you have money blocks that stop you from moving forward in life 👋.

    Little disclaimer: we are referring to people who have the savings for this type of experiences, or treat themselves with more high-end services or products. We are aware that not everyone can afford a boudoir shoot.

    But for those who can, money is a common excuse people use when it comes to a boudoir session. They have the money set aside specifically for their shoot, yet they overthink the experience and limit themselves on the number of pictures they would buy even though they haven’t done their photoshoot yet. When you dig deeper, you realize money isn’t the issue. The main problem is that they deeply believe they don’t deserve to treat themselves with such a transformative experience, nor invest the money on themselves.

    The truth: treat yourself like royalty, you freaking deserve it! Also, if it is hard for you to imagine spending money of a boudoir experience, remember that you don’t have to pay everything at once, and we offer payment plans.

  • Time: “I can’t, I am too busy!”. That is true, we all have stuff to do. But time is all we have on this planet, and you can make time for the things that are important to you. So it isn’t a question of time, it is about choices and moving your schedule around. We see it often with women, especially moms. They dream of doing a shoot, but they keep pushing that thought back because of not having the time. What we hear (based on testimonials we gathered from all those years working with women who have kids) is that they don’t dare to take the me-time they deserve because they have a family to take care of. They feel like they don’t deserve to put themselves first by fear of being selfish.

    The truth: you have the right, like anyone else, to pause your busy life for a few hours and focus on you for once!

When you think about it, it is ridiculous to stop ourselves from going after the things we want in life because of self-limitations. If we were cartoon characters, it would be the same as dropping a rock in front of ourselves and not moving because of this obstacle we just made (even though we could just circumvent it, or jump over it, to keep moving forward)!

Once you understand what is the real reason behind the excuse you use, you can put back things into perspective and reassure yourself to go for it. Give yourself a good pep talk, you should be ready for the next step!


The final step is pretty straightforward: just DO IT without thinking too much about it. Overthinking is a buzz killer, trust me I am guilty of that! And such is over-planning, by the way. Wanting to feel prepared and ready is very important of course, but it can become a form of procrastination when you focus too much on it instead of doing the work.

You want to do a boudoir shoot but your inner negative voices are bullying you? Then you now know what to do: stop overthinking and book your session. You will have plenty of time to get yourself ready before your shoot, but at least you took that first step!


The chances to accomplish things are much higher when you tell other people about what you’re trying to do. Even just sharing your ideas, or dreams, out loud to someone can help to give you the push you need to get started on it.

Go with someone supportive and open-minded, a loved one who will lift you up! Don’t share it with someone who might crush your idea. If you are already doubting yourself, the last thing you need is another person doubting you!

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We opened our first studio

Back in 2017, two little French women decided to leave their full-time jobs in Toronto to start what had been a dream for many years: open their own boudoir photography business. Filled with ambition and willpower, they've given it everything and have built the small empire brick by brick, hoping to, one day, reach their next dream: having their own studio.

Now in 2024, we are very proud to say that we have finally started this adventure and now have our home away from home.


What were we doing before?

You are not without knowing that the renting market in Toronto is getting worse every day. Back in 2017, it was already the case and definitely out of reach for a sprouting business. Since we couldn’t afford our space, we were just renting multiple ones on a shoot by shoot basis.

We are not going to lie, it was pretty neat and we are keeping this option available to us even now. It's been a great way for us to keep our creativity up high, to adapt to our clients’ vision and just enjoy somebody else's place.

But after 7 years of business and 11 in Canada, we grew tired of not finding our own vibe.

Combining missing home and our new adventure

It took us a good 6 months to gather the courage to venture in the commercial rental world. Having the same business model for so long made us feel comfortable and safe but also… bored. During the summer of 2023, it was pretty clear both of us had lost our spark and we needed to find it again.

Funny enough, we had some rough ideas of the layout of the studio we initially wanted: open concept, bricks and beams, industrial… But when we actually visited the one we are in now, a completely different vision just manifested itself. Scrap it all, we are going to create multiple rooms with a strong, authentic, Parisian aesthetic. And we made it happen.

If you don't know it already, we are both originally from France. While we love the life we’ve built in Canada for the past decade, we were getting to a point where our homesick episodes were sneakily showing up more often than not. We'd been missing our roots and its aesthetics for a while and having this space to remind us of home has been a blast so far.


Creating your own space VS renting different ones

Yes, we have only had our space for only a few months, but already, the perks we have noticed are pretty amazing.

1) The freedom to transform the space the way we want to.

We have created 3 different rooms and 3 different vibes, and we didn't have to depend on somebody else's vision.

2) Nobody is living in it, so it is fully adapted for creators.

The majority spaces we used to rent were real people's lofts, so naturally, they have their lives in it and plenty of not-so-pretty things, like every living space has.

3) No more worrying about finding the right place at the right time.

It was always quite a stressful aspect of our job: our clients have a limited schedule and lofts get booked often. As if this wasn't challenging enough, we've also had a couple of nightmare situations when the landlords “forgot” we were coming and ghosted us when we were at the door with our clients.

4) We can make a mess!

We didn't expect this to be such a perk, but before, we obviously had to put the place back exactly the way we found it, so we were juggling between shooting and cleaning up as we went. On our space, we have all the time in the world to put it back together afterwards, which allowed us to extend our time with our beloved clients.

5) We can rent it out to other creators

This is a freshly new endeavour we’ve taken: our beautiful apartment is available to rent by the hour for any type of creators! It's so cool to be able to give what we were given for so long.

What about the downsides?

With every new adventure comes some uncomfortable feelings and not-so-fun aspects. Fortunately, we only see a few downsides compared to our previous ways.

1) The rent.

Of course, we now have an official extra rent on top of our personal ones and let me tell you, that's a good pressure on our shoulders. It's not just about sustaining ourselves anymore and it's the first time we've had to deal with this. To make a business grow, you have to take some risks, but it doesn't stop the fear it brings.

2) The possibility of getting bored…?

Being used to shoot in different spaces, we considered before taking on this project that, maybe, we would get tired of our space. Now, of course it is too soon to tell, but even so, we feel it will be very easy to counter, as we have the freedom to do whatever the hell we want.

Hopefully it stays this way (and hopefully we can pay rent ha!). We are very excited to share more with you about this beautiful space and how our vision came to be. Stay tuned…

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Boudoir isn’t for me… I am not photogenic!

“I want to do a boudoir shoot, but I am not photogenic. Actually, I hate having my pictures taken!”

We hear this sentence so often when we meet our clients for the first time (maybe you are one of those many people who really dislike being in front of a camera, comment if it is your case!). Honestly, we cannot blame you. Just like you, both Juliette and I felt awkward being photographed until we started studying photography and started posing as models back in 2009. But then, we discover the truth… Everyone is photogenic! Yes that is true my friend, and let us tell you why 🤗


Why do a lot of people dislike having their pictures taken?

  • Religious beliefs & superstitions

Many cultures around the globe believe that a camera can steal a person’s soul when you photograph them. It is said that our reflections are an outward projection of our souls staring back at us. Since a photograph can lock a fleeting instant in time, it can also encapsulate the subject’s spirit within the camera itself.

It actually happened to me once, Fanny, when I was shooting at a wedding. I was about to take a photo of a guest and that person asked me not to because she didn’t want me to take her soul away.

  • Childhood experiences

Either it is for school or family photos, children are often forced to have their pictures taken. Most of us remember that awful feeling of being a kid and having to stay still while being told repeatedly to smile, so our family could have nice pictures. Let’s face it, when we are young we don’t care about photography, and we would rather go play. So when we are being forced to do it (or guilted into doing it) anyway, it creates a negative experience, which can be traumatic for some people!

  • Lack of body-love

Society had taught us what beauty means (mostly looking youthful and being thin, while having specific attributes) 😤. So for those who don’t like their body, either because they don’t like the way they look or they feel uncomfortable in their skin, and they see themselves in a way that doesn’t comply with those beauty standards, they feel repelled by their own image.

In their mind, all they see is that their body contradicts with everything they think they should be, and everything they think makes them valuable in this world. It is hard to feel comfortable having your pictures taken when you think there is something wrong with the way you look.

  • Expectations

In people’s mind, posing = being unnatural. Simply because when someone is photographing you, there is this expectation that you have to have a big smile on your face, look happy, and have a straight posture. And for most people this expectation is a big obstacle, like being told once again to pretend.

Of course it is always better to look happy and confident on photos, but there are so many different ways of showing it that don’t have to feel forced.

  • Past disappointment

Last but not least (and this is something that happens a lot): having bad photos of yourself. Either they were taken by professional photographers, amateurs, loved ones, or badly done for whatever other reasons, we all have photos of ourselves we hate. Disappointments happen, but it makes it hard to trust a photographer again.

Even if intimidating, boudoir photography is your best ally.

Many people are intrigued by the world of boudoir, or they want so badly to do a shoot, but the idea of being half naked in front of a stranger is too nerve-wracking for them to take that next step! And we understand the struggle!

If you are someone who is not confident with your body and who doesn’t like being in front of the camera, having your photos taken that reveal more skin than with a regular photo shoot, might make you think that your boudoir experience will be a disaster. You have all of those little voices in your head that are telling you that you will be awkward because you don’t know how to pose, that you will hate seeing your body in the nude, and that you will find yourself ugly. So you give up on the idea!

Those combined doubts you have about your body and photography are based on your past experiences, external judgments, and fears. All that negativity has impacted the way you see yourself and your personality, making you feel like you can’t have beautiful pictures of yourself because you are not good enough. Since it is really hard to get those vicious thoughts out of your head, the solution is to find the photographer that will make you love yourself again. And boudoir photography is the best tool to help you see your body in a new light and regain that forgotten confidence!

When you do a boudoir shoot you do it for you, wearing the outfits that make you feel like your most sensual-and-confident-self. You let all your different personalities out because it is your time to shine and no one is here to drag you down. You leave the session feeling unstoppable because you just did something that was maybe a bit scary, and you end up with badass photographs of yourself that will stay with you forever!

Is everybody really photogenic?

Absolutely! Being photogenic does not mean smiling awkwardly in front of a lens. It is about being yourself and seeing the camera as a friend who will show you how magnificent you look 💛.

So get that though out of your head and book that boudoir shoot you deserve!

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